葡萄牙的第二大城 Porto
是個很多台灣人愛的葡萄牙城市 (印象中完全沒看過負評的歐陸大城市幾乎不存在阿)
Porto is the second big city of Portugal
Since I have heard this city, all comments about it overwhelmed to be amazing
Given the fact there barely exists all-positive commented big city, I was expected to visit Porto before I did.
來了幾次歐洲 玩的方式都很匆促
為的就是"不想要有遺憾" "既然來了就通通排進去阿"之類的想法
這次決定捨棄旅遊書看到的許多景點 只在Lisbon跟Porto兩個城市停留
身心都很放鬆 也拍了很多喜歡的照片
Before this one-week trip. I had some journeies in the Europe but all of them are kind of rush.
Staying one city/town a night then move the another the very next day.
So we decided to visit Porto and Lisbon this time. It turns out we were so relaxed and I took a bunch of lovely photos.
來到Porto的第一眼, São Bento車站
喜歡這樣車子到底 要離站在倒退彎出去的設計
給人很安定又便利的感覺 走幾步就是出口啦
First glance of Porto - São Bento station
Quiet, bright and the most important, people don't have to walk for a distance or go cross any overpass.
Like someone is telling you, "Hey! there you are."
聞名遐邇的車站大廳 即便已經偷看過照片
但置身其中仍然讚嘆不已 好美的車站阿!!
Let alone the lobby, totally an attraction!
It's not strange for everybody just raise their heads and turn around at least 3 times for their first visit.
check in住宿的地點之後 就出來享受一下午後的陽光
從陰雨綿綿的Lisbon過來 真有種幸福的感覺 :)
It took us about 3 hour from Lisbon to Porto by CP (fast, quiet and cheap!)
After leaving our luggage, I couldn't wait to enjoy the sunlight
A narrow street where a lovely tram crossing.
I wouldn't say the stairs were easy but at least it's joyable to discover the next corner while up and down.
因為在Lisbon種種原因 居然留了三天還錯過Fado的表演
點完酒 吃完主餐後大概一個半小時以後
(到今天我才知道餐前酒都是白酒 感謝服務生沒有用鄙視的臉看我)
就會介紹表演者 然後關燈開始表演
葡萄牙吉他(lead rhythm 各一)本身就很精彩 歌手都是不拿麥克風直接唱
餐廳不大約10桌 所以可以很近距離觀賞
We missed the famous traditional Porugal Fado in Lisbon for some stupid reasons.
So I decided to have dinner in a Fado restaurant.
It seems all Fado resturant open about 8 pm, we were lucky to have a table just opposite the stage.
After main dishes were served, the host would introduce the singers and guitarists then the show started.
A perfomation is about 5 of 3-minute songs , followed by 10 minutes break (or time for ordering additional snacks)
There are one male and one female singer took turns. Two Portugal guitarist made riff and solo.
I am not an enthusiast about classic music but I did feel what the perform deliver.
The first night ended up perfectly only expect the huge digit on the bill. :P
(Sorry for the noises, it's quite dark while performing)
第一天抵達的時候 就發現高低起伏 狹窄又充滿石板路的街道 加上南歐的臉孔
拿著肖想多年的135L 只是順著光線按快門
但他的街道絕對是讓大家喜歡的重要原因之一 以下列出幾張我最喜歡的 :)
Instead of introduce some popluar attractions, I want to show you some photos just taken right on those narrow, upward/downward streets, and plus the fashionable people.
I am enthusiasm about street photography and like to snap with my 135mm which I brought couples of months ago.
I am going to brag but I just follow the sunlight and it turned out ones of the most lovely shot I ever had.
And I think this is one of the reasons people had been here praise this city highly.
Aliados square (名字也太像阿哩阿多了?)
但不知道為什麼相機裡只有這麼一張美女 卻一張帥哥都沒有
I remembered there are much more hot boys than hot girls in Portugese streets in my personal perspective
But somehow there were no decent handsomes in my camera, just this typical Portugese beauty. :P
Dom Luis I bridge has trails for the trams and sidewalk for pedestrians.
The scene over the sidewalk is amzaing both for view and sidewalk itself.
鐵橋中間是給電車走的 兩側的人行道的風景很棒
人行道大概是兩個人的寬度 所以常常跟人面對面擦肩走過
居高臨下看出去 Douro River河畔
白天夜晚各有不同的 點燈之後整個超迷幻的阿!
From the bridge, you could easily have fantasic view of douro riverside.
Kindly tip : Don't leave for dinner unitl the lights turned on after sunset!
Porto高低起伏的街道 常常路走到一半 往前平視卻是人家的二樓
也許是因為這樣的地形因素 這邊的居民真的超愛窗外看的!XD
The topography on the riverside hill makes upward and downward streets.
And we could see some building's 2nd flood without any heading up.
Another interesting thing is , habtiants tend to spending their leisure time by their windows for watching outside.
在逛完Livraria Lello後, 在Porto大學的廣場前的金色時光 ~
So-called golden hour!
In front of Porto University, we were here to enjoy last moments of sunlight.
And I did something a photographer should do. :)
最後一個整天 我們參加了Douro River的遊艇行程
坐船往上游參觀葡萄園 然後坐火車回來
乍現的陽光均勻地灑在河畔的建築上 你怎麼能不愛這樣的Porto?
We spent our last full day for Douro River trip - went upstream by a boat and went back by a train.
Happened to meet the sunrise. How could you not love Porto?
河邊的風景其實還好 (葡萄離長出來也還很久XD)
The landscape around the Douro riverwas so-so due to the season. (and freezing!)
Just have some shot and left almost all the time inside the cruise.
In the end, the most beautiful "azulejo" I met. (So sad that I missed the azulejo museum in Lisbon)
還有當然不能錯過與城市同名的Porto Wine (好甜好好喝!)
and the wine you must not miss have the same name with the city .
Let's call it a lovely day !